Even the most expensive and extraordinarily designed Coffee makers fall victims to the scaling problems. Scaling occurs due to hard water and poor maintenance of the coffee machines. We provide Coffee Water Filters to protect the coffee makers and to enhance the taste of the coffee from the coffee makes.
Using advanced German Technology called the Filtersorb SP3, the filter is able to restructure the hardness causing crystals into the soft crystals that do not form scaling over the period of Coffee Maker operation. These active crystals in turn provide health benefits to the coffee lovers along with MGO module enhancing the coffee flavor for the coffee lovers.
Using advanced German Technology called the Filtersorb SP3, the filter is able to restructure the hardness causing crystals into the soft crystals that do not form scaling over the period of Coffee Maker operation. These active crystals in turn provide health benefits to the coffee lovers along with MGO module enhancing the coffee flavor for the coffee lovers.
• MGO + SP
• Magnesium Ion Provider + Scale Preventer
• Reduce maintenance cost for coffee machines
• Scale Prevention
• Mineral water maker
• Aroma Booster
• Healthy Water
• Tastier Coffee
• Least Maintenance
• Protect Coffee Makers
• Doubles service life of coffee machines
• To be installed with an existing filtration system
Interested please contact at +66-29602090